~ Sneakerium ~


Artist Mr PlantChristophe Guinet
Project Sneakerium
Role Art Direction
Plant – Various aquatic plants
Sept 2021

‘sneakerium’ offers an afterlife for worn out NIKE sneakers.

christophe guinet, better known as monsieur plant, presents a fun and unusual way to recycle a pair of sneakers.
Conveyed throughout his prior botanical projects, guinet’s latest series ‘sneakerium’ continues to speak on the theme regarding the cycle of life. by placing the shoes in an ‘aquarium’ filled with water, plants and soil, a new life as a plant host is given to a pair of sneakers after being thrown out.

The collection consists of five different NIKE sneaker models, each carefully set in a fish tank with different coral settings.
‘it took a great deal of time to stabilize the aquatic environment, which is why we must attach great importance to the recovery of our waste.’ emphasizes monsieur plant. each tank also follows unique artistic directions, such as the matching of the laces of the sneakers with the background color and choice of plants.

in 2016, monsieur plant had previously completed a similar project ‘plant your mac’ involving vintage commercial products from apple, such as an imac and macintosh classic. in this project, he decided to empty out all the hardware and replace it with living plants to give the non-functioning computers a new life as plastic pots.


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